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Summer Savings

Happy asian family on a road trip in their car. Dad, mom and daughter are traveling by the sea. Summer ride by automobile.

Summer vacation is just a month or so away. Whatever family adventure you have planned, we have some advice to help you save money.

Skip the airfare: Plane tickets for a whole family can get expensive. Instead, plan a driving trip. Even with higher gas prices, it’ll save you money.

Budget your fun: Keep track of every purchase and expense while you’re on vacation by logging into InRoads Mobile Banking every day. If you’re in danger of going over budget, cut back on a few gift-store items and you’ll be right on track again.

Make your own meals: Sure, you’ll want to eat out now and then, but packing some meals can save upwards of $25 per person per meal. That can really add up.

Stay local: Enjoying a hotel is nice but saving money and staying at home might be even better. Every day, pack up early and head out on another nearby adventure. Need a few ideas? See a waterfall, hike along the Pacific Ocean, or rent kayaks and paddle the closest river or lake.


