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Carissa Buys Her First Home

young couple standing on front lawn with their new house behind them.

For Carissa Hoppie, buying her first home was a big deal. She knew she wanted to live closer to family in St. Helens. She also knew she wanted a house just big enough to start a family. What she didn’t know was how to start the home loan process. That’s where we were able to help.

Carissa is a dental hygienist in Lake Oswego who had been dreaming of owning a home in St. Helens and starting a family. When she met with St. Helens Community mortgage loan specialist Dave Wasylenko, she knew she had come to the right place to get that home loan.

“I had come into the credit union because my grandpa said St. Helens Community was good with home loans,” Carissa said about her decision to come into the credit union that day. “Dave was amazing. He took care of everything. That sealed the deal for me.”

Growing up here Carissa knew that it was a tight-knit community. But she had not expected that same level of caring from a mortgage loan expert.

Since leaving St. Helens to go to college in La Grande, Oregon to pursue her Applied Science Degree, Carissa moved to Las Vegas and honed her dental hygienist skills. She spent five years there before moving back to Oregon.

“It took less than a month to close my home loan,” she said. “It’s a cute 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath home. It’s a perfect starter house. Hopefully we will get to raise a family here.”

As for her credit union membership, she had joined a handful of years back when she bought her new car.

“I grew up in St. Helens and even went to high school here, so I knew about the credit union. We plan to move all of our finances over to St. Helens Community really soon. That will make life easier.”

Congratulations, Carissa. We hope you enjoy your new home and wish you the best on starting a family. As always, thank you for your membership. We look forward to serving you for years to come.


