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Saving for the Holidays

display of Christmas decorated packages

The holiday season is never all that far away. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a saving plan in place for all of your holiday expenses. Here are some tips to help you plan for the financial realities of the holidays.

Start Saving Today: Open a separate savings account (such as an InRoads Christmas Club Savings account) and put away some money every other week or month. By setting up direct deposit, you won’t even miss the money being deducted from every paycheck.

Set a Budget: If you don’t already have a holiday budget, now is the right time to create one. Take a look at the amount of money you could have saved up by the time the holidays arrive as a starting point. Will that amount cover all of the presents, food, travel, holiday cards and postage, and more? Or do you need to expand the budget?

Watch for Holiday Sales: The big saving days aren’t just the day after Thanksgiving. Look for sales on the items your family wants and needs all year long. If you see something too hard to pass up, buy it now and hide it for later. You’ll save some money. Plus, you’ll be saving yourself some time when the holidays do arrive.

Open your Christmas Club Savings account with InRoads LIVE or call 503.397.2376.


