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Enjoy a Magical and Money-Smart Holiday

young woman walking with shopping bags in hands, christmas background

In case you hadn’t noticed, the holiday shopping season is upon us. With it comes the possibility of overspending, which can lead to added debt. We’ve put together some tips to help you stay out of unnecessary debt while still having a wonderful holiday season.

Organize Your Budget
When you develop a plan it can relieve stress. Plus, it can help save you time and money. Your budget should include gifts for everyone on your list (family, friends, co-workers, etc.), extra food for entertaining, decorations, cards, postage, travel, as well as seasonal concerts and events.

Track Everything
Use cash or your St. Helens Community debit or credit card to track your spending. When using cash, use envelopes so that you know how much money is allotted to each person or expense. With your debit or credit card, make sure to write down every transaction or login to Online Banking every day to see how much you’ve spent.

Remember Your Long-Term Goals
Don’t allow the pressures to spend during the holiday season take your focus away from your goals, like buying a home, getting out of debit, financing a new car, or other long-term plans.

At St. Helens Community Credit Union, we can help you with your family budget and finances with special, no-cost financial counseling. Our Financial educator, Ryan Beardmore, is available by phone at 800.940.5009 ext. 701, or by email at [email protected].


